Tuesday, November 3, 2015

The Beginning

Hey guys!  It's Deb and welcome to my...blog?

So you may have seen me from YouTube sharing my recipes and family life. I did that for over four years as a hobby and I guess you can say over a year ago I retired from that hobby. As in...I don’t post anymore. Maybe I will again someday, but I’m not promising anything. I’ve always kept a full time schedule working and being a mama to two wonderful kiddos that it’s hard to upload consistently. 

This blog is what I’m passionate about...cooking and sharing. Plus...we all gotta eat!

"So if you're ready, I'm ready, let's get started." 

Nothing But Love! 



  1. So excited for your content here! ��

    1. Thanks Stacy! I think it will be easier to pour my mind out here. If I did that in a video it could take a while. I can stay concise and informative here so that's the plan. Thank you for your support!

  2. Bookmarking your site! I look forward to seeing what you have in store for us. I enjoy you on YouTube already. I love your down to earth style and you make things easy to apply in real life. Keep doing you!

    1. Thank you, Ana! I feel that time is most important in enjoying the things we love and need to get done. Hopefully I can make this blog just that! :)

  3. Just found your videos tonight. I'm excited that you have a blog to accompany your videos! Looking forward to binge watching your videos!

    1. Thanks so much for your support Juliana! I love videos and blogging. I never knew I would actually make my own.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hi Deb! I absolutely love your videos! I tried making the pot holder DIY but it was an epic fail lol. Would you consider selling the ones you make? I love them so much wish I was able to make it myself.

    1. Hi Michelle! I would sell them if I had time to make more than three at a time. I procrastinate when I want to make one as a gift. I know...fail. =(
