Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Turkey Stroganoff (My version)

The nontraditional way!

1      package of 93% lean ground turkey (Fit & Active 19.2 oz.)
2      cans of cream of mushroom soup (Fit & Active 10.5 oz.)
1/2   cup low fat sour cream (Friendly Farms Light Sour Cream)
1      cup 2% milk (Substitute fat free or non dairy milk)
8      oz. egg noodles (Reggano - comes in 16 oz. package)
1      package of frozen peas (Season's Choice - 16 oz. package)
1      Tbsp. garlic powder
1      Tbsp. Italian seasoning
Salt and pepper to taste


You'll need two large pots. One is for boiling water for the noodles. Follow directions on the egg noodle package, but slightly under and drain the noodles.  Set aside until ready to add to the other pot.

In the other large pot, cook the ground turkey completely. On medium heat add sour cream, mushroom soup, and milk to the cooked turkey. Simmer for 10 minutes until liquid thickens. Add seasonings, peas, and stir in cooked noodles. Simmer for another 2 minutes and serve.


  1. Congratulations on your Blog , I will keep up with it for sure !! Thank you for sharing it !!

    1. Thank you, Pamela! I'm excited to share my tips. :)
